3 Reasons to Take This DIY PR Webinar for Nonprofits

If you work at a nonprofit, you probably know the struggle of promotion. Wouldn’t it be magical if you could put something on your website and the whole world would get the update?

Instead, promotion is an obstacle course of email marketing, organic social media, paid social media, PPC, flyers, advertising, PSAs, and *fingers crossed* word of mouth. Sometimes the messaging will stick, and other times it will fall flat. 

The worst part is that every decision you make for promoting your nonprofit comes at a cost. It’s either going to cost the price of advertising, or time sunk into a campaign that may or may not work. 

With all of this, it makes sense to go after promotion strategies that open the opportunity for maximum promotion with the least amount of monetary or time investment. 

And this is why I would like to introduce you to public relations. Let’s dig into three reasons why you should take this DIY PR webinar for nonprofits. 

1. You can do PR on a $0 budget 

This DIY PR webinar is going to focus on a strategy you can do for free, over and over again. 

How is it free? 

We’ll talk about earned media. Earned media is when the media talks about you because you have earned their attention because what you have to offer is valuable to their audience. 

If you have ever worked with or even looked into working with a PR firm, then you know just how expensive they can be. In this webinar, I can teach you how to take matters in your own hands and earn that media on your own.

Once you know the strategy the only tools you need are Google and email, and I’m going to guess you already have those handy. 

2. PR can help you reach new participants

You already know how awesome your programs are. You just need to get the word out there so more people can join in. 

PR is a strategic way to put a megaphone to your mission. Getting the media to tell your story makes it possible to reach people who are not currently in your audience. If you’re hosting an event for your existing donors, you don’t necessarily need PR. But if you are trying to reach new people, PR is a way to spread the word far and wide. 

One thing I love about PR in 2021 is just how many niche publications exist on the web. You can tap into your target audience through podcasts, blogs, and other online communities to make sure you’re reaching the right people too. 

3. Donors trust nonprofits in the media

THE defining benefit of PR is how it adds to your credibility. For a nonprofit, that translates into more donations. 

When the media talks about your brand, in a sense, they’re vouching for you. At the very least they are communicating that your organization is worth talking about, and in a lot of cases, they highlight the wonderful work you do. Because it’s a 3rd party, there’s more credibility in what they say. 

Contrast this to an advertisement. You buy the ad, the design the ad, and the potential donor knows that it’s biased. 

But with PR, the potential donor trusts the organization that is fairly reported on. 

And once you get those donors, PR is a valuable way to put the spotlight on those donors too!

Alright, so know that you know why you should sign up for the PR, it’s time to take action. Register today. 

Rebekah Epstein