How to Use Social Media for Nonprofits

As a publicist, I wouldn’t consider myself a social media expert, per se. However, I’ve worked with the media enough to know that your nonprofit’s social media presence can have an impact on the media attention you get. 

You may be wondering: what does social media have to do with getting press? 

Well, similar to your website, your social media pages offer the public a glimpse into what you do. These days, many people — journalists included — will visit an organization’s Instagram page before they even visit their website. 

All that to say, it’s important for nonprofits to make sure their social media is in good shape to represent their organizations. 

Let’s go over a few ways you can use social media for your nonprofit. 

Make it personal 

Don’t get me wrong, impact numbers are great. But numbers don’t stand out on social media as much as faces and real human emotions do. 

The key to using social media for your nonprofit is to personalize your organization by sharing real stories of groups you have helped. Emotion drives engagement on social media, so it’s really helpful to put a face to your cause — whether that’s images of people, animals, or the environment.

If you are able to, share real life success stories on your Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or whatever your preferred platform is. This will not only give people a better understanding of what you do but it will also help your nonprofit be more memorable. 

Encourage involvement 

One of the great things about social media is that it’s now easier than ever to reach people. When your audience is online, the number of people you can share things with is essentially limitless. 

This makes social media the perfect opportunity for your nonprofit to encourage involvement. 

Gone are the days of spending time and money trying to connect with people in person to let them know what your nonprofit is up to and how they can get involved. Now you can share volunteer opportunities, donation drives, or charity events with just the click of a button.

When sharing opportunities on social media, it’s important to make it easy for people to participate. Share clear steps people can take if they want to get involved and make it easy for them to find information to learn more. 

Share what you do (clearly and consistently)

Think of your Instagram as a micro website. People can discover your page at any point — when they’re searching for local nonprofits, when they see an image that piques their interest, or when they type in your name directly (which the media will do).

So whenever people stumble upon your social media, you want to be sure that it’s crystal clear what your nonprofit does and who it serves.

Always share your mission and programs in a clear manner. As I mention in my free guide, it’s important that people know what your nonprofit does as soon as they look at your website and social media. 

Think big

Don’t get me wrong, social media can be fun. But it’s also easy to get carried away. With all of the latest trends, fun filters, and ability to have conversations with anyone, it can be easy to forget why you’re there in the first place. 

When it comes to using social media for your nonprofit, always think of the bigger picture. Be sure that the underlying message of your social media content emphasizes why your nonprofit’s work is important and amplifies your mission. 

if you’re in the process of trying to get PR for your nonprofit, keep these social media best practices in mind. Your social media pages are just a couple of the things a journalist will check out before covering you.

Is your nonprofit ready for media attention? Download my free guide to find out: Are You Ready for PR?

Rebekah Epstein